One Thing I Know song

Blind soccer match in China. The ball contains a rattle and players constantly yell “Hey” so their teammates can pass to them by recognizing their voices. All players wear a blindfold to protect their eyes from further injury. The goalies have normal vision.

I wrote this song to accompany my One Thing I Know comic book. The comic book is about a little Chinese boy who likes to play blind soccer. I was inspired to create this comic book while living in a city that was host to China’s national paralympic games. I got to watch the blind soccer matches, which were held on then university campus where I lived. Since then, I also had the opportunity to spend several days at a blind orphanage in Beijing. I hope you enjoy this song – I will have the comic book up on the website soon!

One Thing I Know -2007 Christina Kaspersen

Colors and clouds up until now
I’d only seen in my wildest dreams
Blind from my birth, deaf to Your words
So much I missed, but now here it is

One thing I know
I was blind but now I see
Darkness had to go
When the light came on in me

You took a pair of mud pies
And stuck them on my blind eyes
Now I’m seeing for the first time
What’s been waiting in the sunshine

You’ve been waiting for me!

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