“Accepted” song

Accepted is another song from the Dream House course. It is from the lesson “Intentions”, which discusses the Trinitarian nature of God and invites us to explore our origins as an extension of the Heavenly Family. Some fun facts about this song:

1. It was inspired by the original Star Trek TV theme song. I was using an ear training app which suggested using that song as a guide for recognizing the minor 7th interval. I hadn’t watched the show enough to be familiar with the theme so I listened to it over and over. Though I was never able to internalize the interval, I got the theme stuck in my head and it inspired this song.

2. This is the only song I know that features the biblical figure Mephibosheth. You can read his story in 2 Samuel 9, and I can also recommend a great book by John Sheasby called What Right Do I Have? which uses the life of Mephibosheth to teach about Christian identity and inheritance.

I hope to properly illustrate this song some day, but for now I’ve doodled some silly outer space and alien slides to go with it – enjoy!

Accepted -2016 Christina K

Long before the universe began
You were central to the Father’s plan
Not an accident or afterthought
Your origin is the heart of God

You’re accepted in the Beloved
You’re included in the love
Between the Father, Spirit, Son

You’re adopted into a family
You were wanted from the start
The very dream of Heaven’s heart
You’re accepted

And though you’re like Mephibosheth
Dropped by life and wounded in both legs
You can rest assured your place is set
At His table, in His palace

And though you’re a Samaritan
At the well and He knows where you’ve been
Still He’s overjoyed to dwell within
He adores you, you’re His dream house

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